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pleasing spring‘s day
春光美  detail>>
 adj.  舒适的,愉快的;满意的;惹人喜欢的,可爱的。  adv.  -ly   detail>>
a day in spring
春光  detail>>
the spring day
春日  detail>>
a bright spring day
一片艳阳天  detail>>
day jumper spring
周历定位杆簧  detail>>
day spring hotel of zhengzhou
郑州天泉大酒店  detail>>
first day of spring
初春  detail>>
fist day of spring
初春  detail>>
one day in spring
班得瑞 专辑三 春野 春日 (试听) 春野里的一天  detail>>
one fine spring day
春逝  detail>>
the first day of spring
今春的第一天  detail>>
today is the first day of spring
今天是春季的第一天  detail>>
day corrector operaing lever spring
周历调整器操作杆簧  detail>>
a pleasing color
协调的色彩  detail>>
pleased pleasing
常用作表语 常用作定语  detail>>
pleasing appearance
好看的相貌  detail>>
pleasing lacewings
栉角蛉  detail>>